
Ad 2 Hawaii x AAF Hawaii Mentorship Program


ADvise is a mentorship program designed to create a culture of continuous learning and networking for Ad 2 Hawaii members. In partnership, members of AAF Hawaii can volunteer to become a mentor and provide guidance and support to an Ad 2 Hawaii “mentee” in the form of one-on-one coaching, in hopes to provide personal and career development in and out of the workplace. 

Through monthly meetings, AAF Hawaii mentors will help grow the next generation of leaders in the advertising industry and potentially gain new perspectives and insight. We are confident that ADvise will not only strengthen our skill sets in the industry, but also, build lasting professional relationships.

Registration for this round of ADvise is now closed.



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Ad 2 Hawaii Mentees

To gain insight from industry professionals and develop additional skill sets to advance their career.

AAF Hawaii Mentors

To mentor an Ad 2 Hawaii member in the areas of professional development and personal growth.



AAF Hawaii Mentors will…

  1. Help the Ad 2 Hawaii mentee develop personalized goals.

  2. Organize at least one meeting per month to discuss provided themes. 

  3. Provide feedback, guidance and suggestions for your mentee to improve desired skill(s).

Ad 2 Hawaii Mentees will…

  1. Commit to monthly meetings and be timely.

  2. Maintain a positive attitude about any feedback and/or suggestions received.


If you should have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach us at